Fine Shine Story
"I’ve been a gearhead my entire life - from my first Matchbox car as a kid, to my beloved Porsche today - keeping them clean has always been a top priority. As car care technology advanced, I found myself overwhelmed by the seemingly endless array of products being added to the market. Watching my once favorite brands expand their offerings into a fussy, confusing, and overly layered line up, I knew there had to be a better way.
Determined, I set out to cut through the noise and create a simplified, premium line of products - one without complicated names or a hierarchy of quality levels. While other brands continue to embrace overlapping products in their line up, the mission here at Fine Shine is to deliver a single, premium solution for each detailing need. This way, you’ll always know you’re using the Finest product for the job!"
- Shane C. Roush
Founder and CEO, Fine Shine Products